I'm a born and raised Torontonian currently pursuing my PhD at the University of Toronto's Institute for the History and Philosophy of Science and Technology. I previously completed both my Combined Honours BA in philosophy and biology and my MA in philosophy at McMaster University in Hamilton, Ontario.
Outside of my graduate school and work commitments, I keep up with a number of hobbies and sports. I'm a competitive ultra runner and powerlifter, and find that balancing my work with these sports is an essential part of my being able to "do" philosophy. I currently race with Team Running Free.
I'm also an avid cook and baker and run a home baking business. I love playing around with flavour combinations and firmly believe that baking and mixing flavours is a form of philosophy. I'm committed to my balcony farm/garden and take great pride in being able to cook and bake with fruits and veggies I grew myself. I love learning about hyper-specific regional cuisine and produce, and I make a point of visiting grocery stores whenever I travel somewhere new.
If you would like to contact me about my research or you would like to learn more about hyper-regional fruit or trail shoe lug depth, you can email me at ra.katz@mail.utoronto.ca
Finishing the 2023 Istria 110km race in Umag, Croatia
Putting the finishing touches on my friend's wedding cake.